Tibet Picture
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Tibet Picture is a collection of pictures that try to reflect the nature and people as they are in Tibet.

The Tibetan pictures in this collection are mostly large-sized, so that they are suitable for your desktop wallpaper.

The collection currently consists of the following 11 topics:

Scenery in Tibet

In which you will see:
Danba, Ngari, Clay Forest...
Grassland in Northern Tibet, Guge Dynasty Relics, Lake Manasarovar...
Lake Namtso, Lake Peiku, Mila Mountain, Moerduo Mountain, Mount Everest...
Mt. Kailash, Naimona'nyi Peak, Tibetan Sacred Lake, Samye Temple, Shigatse...
Tibetan Antelope, Tibetan Wild Asses, Tsaparang, Wenbu...
Yamdrok Lake, Zanda, Drepung Monastery...

Buildings in Tibet

Buildings in Tibet are unique in the world. Their rich colors and multiple forms, which mix well the nature, speak out a piety of the Tibetan people towards their religion.

Norbulingka Summer Palace, Tibetan House, Pagoda, Potala Palace and its Gold Roofs, Sera Monastery, Temples, Joss, Redish Wall...
Tashilumpo Temple, Temple Wall Decoration...

Things in Tibet

Things in Tibet are things universally scattered in this wonderland.

Mani Stone, Stall and Trader, Tibetan Dinning Room, Barbola Work, Prayer Flags, Prayer Wheels...
Prayer Flag Tower, Ta'er Temple, Tashilumpo Temple and Its Largest Gold-coated Joss in the World, Yak Butter Lamps...

Activities in Tibet

Here are rituals, festival celebrations, and random photos of people.

Dancing Woman, Drinking Coke, Farming People, Fetching Water by the Lake, Horsemanship, Lama Using Mobile Phone, Food Market, Milking Moment, Pounding Yak Butter...
Pilgrimage, Shopping, Soilless Cultivation, Worship to Buddha...

Tibetan Costumes and Ornaments

Traditional Tibetan Costumes and Ornaments are gorgeous, daring in design, racy of the soil, and don't avert to complexity. While refined and used sparely, they create a fashion style.


Lamas are Tibetan monks. You will see a bit of their life from these pictures.

Old People in Tibet

The reason to split Old People in Tibet from the whole picture collection is that they are so impressing. Old people in Tibet are generally kindly, unsophisticated, pious, and very content with their life.

Tibetan Children

Tibetan Children are both adorable and pitiful. It seems their education and living conditions need improving, which will still be long yet definite way to go.

Youth, Men and Women in Tibet

Young men and women in Tibet are of vigor. They are builders of a more prosperous Tibet in the future.

Model from Tibet

She's a famous model from Tibet. She looks distinct.

Tibet Embracing the World

Yes, Tibet is embracing the world. Some people may think that Tibet is poor. A more moderate opinion is that though Tibetan people are poor in material, they are rich in spirit, which opinion has prevailed since the beginning of the last century. While the fact is that the living conditions of Tibet people are becoming better and better, though there is always too much to be desired. Yet Tibet is indeed advancing.

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